Thursday, June 23, 2016

Learning blog post

Hey my name is Dom.  Today I will show you my Biopoem. I am proud of the words and the thinking that I did.


Kind, funny, playful,
Brother of Ryan, Cam
Son of Eden, Paula
Lover of golf, school, playing,
Who fears clones,
Who needs animals, my dad, my mum,
Who wishes for invincibility, unlimited wishes, unlimited money
Who would like to see to see the world,
Who gives money to SPCA, presents to mum, hugs to dad,
Citizen of Havelock North, New Zealand

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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Learning blog post

Hi my name is Dom. Today I will be showing you my iProud. This is it. I hope you enjoy.

I learnt fullstops.
Here is an example: Dom is gowing to school for the day. It is going to be fun. He packed his lunch and his bag.

I am proud of this because it is my personal best.

My biggest challenge was making the sentences.

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